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Wordpress Appointment Booking Plugin with Interface Translation Module

Wordpress Appointment Booking Plugin with Interface Translation Module

As we all know, almost all of the Appointment Booking plugins on the market have an English interface. However, most of the businesses give services locally or just to non-English speaking countries. This situation makes business owners set up a Multilingual Appointment Booking system on their websites or translate their current plugins.

There are many ways to translate a plugin that you purchased into a language that your customers prefer. You can find many fast and comfortable 3rd party plugins that are useful for translating themes and plugins. The most common plugins are Loco Translate and WPML. These two plugins also give excellent results indeed, but with some disadvantages.

It is important how you translate WordPress Plugins.

One of these disadvantages is that you cannot be sure that you translate the correct word you need. When you look for a word you want to translate at one of these plugins, you can meet many problems. There are dozens of the same words in many cases, and it takes quite a while to understand which word is the word you need.

Another disadvantage of 3rd party plugins is that they occupy extra space on your site. The extra plugin means extra disk space, extra codes, and extra attenuations in website speed. Moreover, you cannot expect these plugins to always work in harmony with your purchased plugins. In some cases, some words can stay untranslatable.

You don't need any of these to translate your Booknetic Appointment Booking plugin to the language you want.

With our Visual translator module, you can easily translate the booking panel into the language you want.

In addition to translation, you can directly change any text you want, even if you continue to use the plugin in English. For example, the name we give to the employees at Booknetic is Staff. But if you want, you can change it to Doctor, to Employee or Consultant. It is possible to change every text you can see on the Booking panel. At the same time, since our plugin works with language files, you can easily use the plugin in multiple languages with any language switcher plugin.