Booknetic Updates / Changelogs
Booknetic - Changelogs. Top-rated Appointment Booking Plugin for WordPress team releases updates frequently to provide better service and adds new features.
Booknetic - Changelogs. Top-rated Appointment Booking Plugin for WordPress team releases updates frequently to provide better service and adds new features.
v4.3.2 - 12 Mar 25
v4.2.3 - 10 Feb 25
v4.1.7 - 08 Jan 25
v4.1.0 - 6 Nov 24
v4.0.1 - 8 Aug 24
v3.8.28 - 16 May 24
v3.8.26 - 11 April 24
v3.8.25 - 25 March 24
v3.8.23 - 18 March 24
v3.8.20– 23 Feb 24
v3.8.18– 08 Feb 24
v3.8.16– 26 Jan 24
v3.8.15– 10 Jan 24
v3.8.14 – 08 Jan 24
v3.8.12– 15 Dec 23
v3.8.10– 01 Dec 23
v3.8.9 - 22 Nov 23
v3.8.8 – 17 Nov 23
v3.8.6– 13 Oct 23
v3.8.4– 22 Sep 23
v3.8.3– 12 Sep 23
v3.8.1 – 17 Aug 23
v3.7.6 – 11 Aug 23
v3.7.5 – 26 Jul 23
v3.7.3 – 17 Jul 23
v3.7.1 – 29 Jun 23
v3.6.5 – 26 May 23
v3.6.0 – 05 May 23
v3.5.6 – 27 Apr 23
Added features:
Fixed bugs:
v3.5.5 – 06 Apr 23
Added invoices tab to the appointment info, where the attached invoices of appointments will be displayed;
Added sign_up_page and sign_in_page shortcodes;
Fixed activation problem during customer registration;
Fixed the service right/left alignment buttons in RTL mode;
Improved booking panel popup responsiveness on mobile devices;
Improved bring people functionality;
Fixed unsupported payment method error;
Custom durations are now based on timeslot length;
Change status link now displays static expiration time and time remaining until the appointment starts;
Fixed issue with limited booking days and timeslots not being displayed at the end of the month in the calendar service;
Fixed right/left alignment buttons in RTL mode in the calendar;
Fixed a lot of RTL issues;
Fixed issue with creating new custom status when there is a waiting list;
Fixed table width problem in invoices;
Improved customer panel to prevent conflicts when multiple panels are open at once;
Fixed timezone problem in recurring appointments;
Fixed timeslot overlapping issue.
Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.3 – 17 Mar 23
+ Added custom fields and appointment extras to export function for appointments;
+ Added classes to elements in the booking panel to prevent sending empty classnames to Google Tag Manager;
+ Improved appointment search by service extra name;
+ Increased login duration to 14 days;
+ Changed confirmation message for duplicate customer timeslot bookings;
+ Fixed issue with copying start and end times in the staff timesheet;
+ Fixed bug with date input in custom form conditions;
+ Fixed issue with setting value for staff in custom conditions;
+ Fixed bug in iOS app where checking the "Bring People" checkbox would increase and decrease the value by two;
+ Fixed issue with skipping extra on the back step;
+ Fixed error when staff step was hidden and there was no staff for a service;
+ Fixed issue with custom duration input in the backend;
+ Fixed bug where conditions could not be deleted in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed CSS and RTL issues;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.2 – 08 Mar 23
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.1 – 08 Mar 23
+ Fixed the issue related to the cart icon when booking failed;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Elementor booking button caption;
+ Fixed the issue related to the service extra show more button;
+ Fixed the issue related to the staff edit password;
+ Fixed the issue related to the non-translatable words in the user role manager;
+ Fixed the issue related to the extras are not visible;
+ Fixed the issue related to the timeslot occupied error;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.0 – 16 Feb 23
+ Added cart system to BooStore;
+ Fixed the bug that caused the "wp-admin" page to redirect to "customer-sign-in" page;
+ Fixed the "Show more" problem in services;
+ Added ability for staff to view services;
+ Made various CSS fixes in the backend;
+ Made RTL CSS fixes in the customer panel;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.9 – 08 Feb 23
+ Added Sign-up and Forgot password widgets;
+ Added the dynamic translation data to the export file;
+ Added Server-to-Server OAuth method for Zoom integration;
+ Fixed the 500 error in Service extras;
+ Improved RTL compatibility for a better user interface;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.7 – 01 Feb 23
+ Added a feature to have different step orders for each page.
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.6 – 27 Jan 23
+ Added an option to delete associated WordPress users when deleting Staff & Customer;
+ Added option to update or create a new user when editing Staff with "use existing WordPress user option" selected;
+ Added a timeout for Payments in the Booking panel;
+ Added an ability to change WooCommerce order status when the appointment is paid from the backend (WooCommerce addon);
+ Sign in page now redirects customers to the previous page instead of the customer panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the checkbox in the Custom forms addon;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Appearance Color changing on the Booknetic Cart step;
+ Fixed some issues related to the Sign in page shortcode with Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to the email notifications;
+ Fixed the issue related to the appointment change status;
+ Fixed the issue related to the overlapping flexible timeslots;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Graph showing wrong data in some places;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Elementor page editing when the Booking panel page was saved in settings;
+ Fixed the issue related to the WooCommerce bug not sending Appointment details via email;
+ Made Booknetic more responsive;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.5 – 13 Jan 23
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.4 – 09 Jan 23
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed some issues related to the WooCommerce payment gateway;
+ Fixed the bug related to the email notifications;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.3 – 23 Dec 22
+ Added an ability to set custom names and icons for payment gateways;
+ Added an ability to use the WooCommerce payment together with the Local payment method;
+ Fixed the bug related to the conditional fields;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "Date and Time" step load;
+ Fixed the calculation issue with Taxes;
+ Fixed some issues related to the missing strings;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.2 – 16 Dec 22
+ Scrolling script has been completely changed;
+ Customers can join to the waitlist for other service if staff are busy with another service;
+ Added "Allow to login" permission in to User role manager;
+ Fixed the content encoding problem with some iPhone models;
+ Fixed the bug related to the rating button visibility after the expiration;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "Timeslot available" event;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Gmail SMTP expired tokens;
+ Fixed the issue related to the booking panel auto resize in the popup;
+ Fixed the issue related to the reordering services and service categories;
+ Fixed the issue related to the 365-day graph;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.1 – 28 Nov 22
+ Added a reset order button for services and service categories;
+ Added an option to send "Timeslot available" workflow event to customers;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "New customer created" event;
+ Fixed the bug related to the custom durations;
+ Fixed the bug related to the rating form;
+ Fixed the bug related to the reordering services and service categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the dynamic translations;
+ Fixed the bug related to the fixed tax amount;
+ Fixed the issue related to the recaptcha position;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Price do not include taxes" position;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.0 – 21 Nov 22
+ Added a new feature - Custom Duration;
+ Added a new feature - Conversion tracking (Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager);
+ Added a new feature - Donations;
+ Added an ability to translate the dynamic data (Services, Staff, Locations, etc.)
+ Added an ability to set conditions for Custom Forms (Conditional Fields);
+ Added new shortcodes to show each dates for the recurring appointments;
+ Added Flexible timeslots option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the limited booking days;
+ Fixed the bug related to the customer duplication on multi-booking;
+ Fixed the bug related to the staff specific price on Any Staff option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the taxes when coupon applied;
+ Fixed the bug related to the payment links with Square payment gateway;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Reordering services and categories;
+ Fixed the Google Calendar duplication issue related to the payment links;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Waiting list;
+ Fixed the traslation issue related to the Telegram integration;
+ Fixed some issues related to Rating form;
+ Fixed some issues related to Zoom;
+ Fixed some issues related to WooCommerce payment gateway;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.5 – 31 Oct 22
+ Added an ability to reorder the services and service categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the extra services when the staff step is disabled;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Elementor widgets;
+ Fixed some permission problems with the User role manager;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.4 – 21 Oct 22
+ Added "Show more" button for long-texted service notes;
+ Added an ability to enable/disable the "Bring people with you" option for services;
+ Added an ability to show the service notes in a row;
+ Added "Last appointment date" to the Customers export CSV;
+ Fixed the bug related to the date format in the Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Booknetic Sign-in widget in Elementor;
+ Fixed the bug related to the User role manager;
+ Fixed the bug related to the first appointment order in WooCommerce payment;
+ Fixed the bug related to the specific price of staff in "Any staff" option;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Google Calendar events on Daily/Weekly view in Booknetic calendar;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Customer panel visibility for non-customer users;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.3 – 10 Oct 22
+ Added style and class inputs for booking button in Elementor;
+ Fixed some bugs related to User role manager add-on;
+ Fixed the bug related to the discount row with multi-booking in confirmation step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Edit button in Recurring Info;
+ Fixed the issue related to the minimum time requirement in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Datepicker in Customer panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the long service extra names;
+ Fixed the issue related to the booking steps in tablet view;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.2 – 25 Sep 22
+ Added Gmail SMTP method for Email action;
+ Added widgets for Elementor;
+ Added widgets for Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to Daily type of Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to reschedule button in Customer Panel;
+ Fixed some RTL issues;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.1 – 16 Sep 22
+ Added a new feature - User role manager;
+ Added a new feature - Sign in to Booknetic;
+ New integration with Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to the booking button;
+ Fixed the bug related to the change status page;
+ Fixed the issue related to the confirmation page;
+ Added taxes column to Payments CSV file;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3 – 08 Sep 22
+ Added an ability to export the selected fields in Appointments, Customer and etc. tabs;
+ Added a new filter for the New Booking events. Appointment created from (Backend, Frontend, Both) filter;
+ Added a new feature for staff and customers to log in;
+ Payment gateways order can be changed for Booknetic's frontend Booking Panel;
+ The time Restriction on the Customer Panel add-on also applies to the Change status option now;
+ Added Necessary Appointment status feature on Google Calendar;
+ Improvements on the stylesheet;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Recurring step staying idle on booking;
+ Fixed the bug related to the color picker on Appearances;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.2.7 – 18 Aug 22
+ Fixed the 500 error related to the v3.2.6 release;
v3.2.6 – 17 Aug 22
+ Added language files for Ratings & Reviews add-on;
+ Added some missing strings to the language files;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Any staff option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the reminders after the appointment is rescheduled;
+ Fixed the bug related to the deposit payments with Giftcards;
+ Fixed the bug related to the WordPress "Password changed" email;
+ Fixed the bug related to the collapsing services categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the staff step order in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the issue related to the weekdays in the Customer panel - Reschedule;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.2.4 – 01 Aug 22
+ Added an EDIT button for date-based Recurring Appointments;
+ Added a new success label for the status change link;
+ Added many missing strings to the language files;
+ Added a status filter for the New booking event in Workflow;
+ Invoice name is optimized;
+ Fixed the bug related to the customer timezone when booking a manual appointment from the back-end;
+ Fixed the bug related to the specific price of staff in Services;
+ Fixed the bug related to the setting decimals in Taxes;
+ Fixed the bug related to the field ordering in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the accordion in popup/modal (mobile);
+ Fixed the issue related to the revenues in Reports;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed many small bugs, conflicts, and visual problems;
v3.2.3 – 18 Jul 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Giftcards in Deposit payments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Any staff option while booking with the multi-booking feature;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Waiting List informational text on the Confirmation step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the 12-hour clock format;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs, conflicts;
v3.2.2 – 07 Jul 22
+ Fixed the problem related to the waiting list;
+ Fixed the bug related to the custom form fields - max length;
+ Fixed the issue related to the coupon field on mobile view;
+ Fixed the issue related to the default protocol in workflow;
+ Fixed the issue related to the RTL view;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs, conflicts;
v3.2.0 – 27 Jun 22 | Release summary (V3.1 to V3.2)
+ Added a new feature - Waiting List;
+ Added a booking widget for Elementor;
+ Added a graph to the Dashboard that shows 365 days frequency;
+ Added an ability to collapse services under a category;
+ Added an ability to start the booking calendar from any month;
+ Added an ability to set a minimum required quantity for extra services;
+ Added a new shortcode to send the payment link via Workflows;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "Continue with Google" button;
+ Fixed the bug related to Reminders;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "New customer created" event;
+ Fixed the issue related to checkbox input in Custom Forms;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.7 – 13 Jun 22
+ Fixed the bug related to workflows for appointments made via the multi-booking feature;
+ Fixed the issue related to the scroll problem on the Confirmation step;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.6 – 10 Jun 22
+ Added a new keyword to display the total number of appointments in Group - {total_appointments_in_group};
+ Fixed the bug related to the fixed frequency for Monthly type of Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the available days in the Customer panel - Reschedule;
+ Fixed the bug related to the buffer time in the Customer panel - Reschedule;
+ Fixed the bug related to the invitation email problem in Google Calendar;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "0" value in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Elementor in the Customer panel;
+ Fixed the issues related to the missing strings in language files;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.5 – 06 Jun 22
+ Added an ability to create a payment link for unpaid (or partially paid) appointments;
+ Added an ability to change the appointment status via the link;
+ Fixed the bug related to the product name in WooCommerce notifications;
+ Fixed the bug related to the date-based services in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the statistic boxes information in Dashboard;
+ Fixed the issue related to the payment date in the Payment Info;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.4 – 20 May 22
+ Added a new feature - Ratings & Reviews;
+ Fixed the bug related to the deposit payments in recurring appointments via the multi-booking feature;
+ Fixed the bug related to the WooCommerce;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar and Zoom in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the issues related to the Dashboard duration and new customers info;
+ Fixed several problems related to the Recurring Appointments;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.3 – 06 May 22
+ Added an official Sign-in button for Google Calendar Integration;
+ Added new keywords {recurring_appointments_tax_amount} and {recurring_appointments_tax_(tax id)_amount};
+ Fixed the bug related to the tax calculation problem in Recurring appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar sync in Booknetic Calendar;
+ Fixed the bug related to the 24-hour working option in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the day before day-off in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to changing appointments after the timeslot length changed;
+ Fixed the bug related to making manual Recurring Appointment from the admin panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the service price in mobile view;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Select input in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the File input in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Coupons;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Recurring Appointments information in the Cart step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Hide price" in the Cart step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Import/Export feature;
+ Fixed the issue related to the order by appointment date in the Payments module;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.2 – 29 Apr 22
+ Show appointment details on the Confirmation step when the Cart step is disabled;
+ Added an ability to change the "Bring People with You" labels on the Visual Translator module;
+ Added an ability to change the "Multi-booking" labels on the Visual Translator module;
+ Fixed the bug related to the appointment statuses on the Calendar module;
+ Fixed the bug related to the WooCommerce payment;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the bug related to the duplicating Booknetic blocks on WordPress - Pages;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar and Zoom when the payment is not verified;
+ Fixed the conflict with the Font Awesome in the Customer Panel;
+ Fixed the CSS conflict with pages where the booking panel placed;
+ Fixed the issue related to the customer time zone on the Customer Panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Any staff" option;
+ Fixed issues related to {appointment_sum_price} and {appointment_total_price} keywords;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.1.0 – 25 Apr 22 | Release summary (V3.0 to V3.1)
+ Added a new feature - Multi booking feature;
+ Added a new feature - Mailchimp;
+ Made responsiveness changes on the Customer Panel;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.0.16 – 11 Apr 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Staff module;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.0.15 – 08 Apr 22
+ Added a new keyword to show pinned location's address link - {location_google_maps_url};
+ Fixed the issue related to the Customer module;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Custom Forms add-on;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Google Calendar;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.0.14 – 01 Apr 22
+ Added a new keyboard to show total price for all recurring appointments - {appointments_total_price};
+ Added a new option to show "Price does not include taxes" on services and extras step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to the AM and PM conflict;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Giftcards filter;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.13 – 30 Mar 22
+ Added a Locale filter to the "New customer created" event;
+ Added a new shortcode to show brought people - {appointment_brought_people};
+ Fixed the issue related to adding customers with existing email addresses;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Date picker on Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Stripe payment gateway;
+ Fixed the bug related to the appointments with an empty email address;
+ Fixed the bug related to the services with +1 day duration;
+ Made minor improvements and small fixes.
v3.0.12 – 18 Mar 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar in staff profile;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Add to Google Calendar" button.
v3.0.11 – 16 Mar 22
+ Fixed the issue related to the payment methods;
+ Fixed the issue related to the test button in Workflow;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.10 – 14 Mar 22
+ Added a keywords selector in Webhook action;
+ Fixed the bug related to the customers of Staff members;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Export/Import module;
+ Fixed the bug related to flexible timeslots with the buffer time before;
+ Fixed the issue related to the cURL on Boostore;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.9 – 12 Mar 22
+ Fixed the issue related to the translations;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.8 – 12 Mar 22
+ Price is hidden for purchased add-ons on Boostore.
v3.0.7 – 11 Mar 22
+ Fixed the issue related to the language files of add-ons.
v3.0.6 – 11 Mar 22
+ Added a new feature to set the specific payment methods for specific services;
+ Added a new feature to share the specific booking panel link with pre-selected steps;
+ Fixed the issue related to the delete button on Appointment Info modal;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Coupons on the first customer;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.5 – 06 Mar 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Mollie payment gateway;
+ Fixed the issue related to the default appointment status;
+ Fixed the issue related to the flexible timeslots.
v3.0.4 – 24 Feb 22
+ Added a new payment method - Razorpay payment gateway;
+ Added a new feature to add the booking panel to the page with button;
+ Added an ability to delete WP user when deleting the staff and the customer;
v3.0.3 – 23 Feb 22
+ Added an ability to do bulk actions;
+ Fixed the bug related to the d/m/y in specific timesheet of staff and services;
+ Fixed the bug related to the categories in New Appointment and Edit Appointments modals;
+ Fixed the bug related to the visibility of Coupons and Giftcards in Confirm step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Staff module on the Staff panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the summernote;
+ Fixed the issue related to the WordPress and Boostore buttons on the mobile version.
v3.0.2 – 18 Feb 22
+ Added a new option to allow customers to change the appointment status;
+ Added a function to ask customers for login if there is a user with the same email address;
+ Fixed the bug related to the time format on the booking panel;
+ Fixed the bug related to the categories filter on the staff step of the booking panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the profile changes on customer panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the link and image modal on summernote.
v3.0.1 – 17 Feb 22
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Webhook);
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Set booking status);
+ Added an ability to select the previous status on Status changed event;
+ Added an ability to show the Calendar name instead of Calendar ID on Google Calendar Integration;
+ Added an ability to disable the some of workflows on the Workflow module;
+ Added an ability to select the "For each customer" option in booking rescheduled, starts, ends events;
+ Fixed the issue related to the 24-hour working option on Special days;
+ Fixed the issue related to the customer creation date;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Starting guide.
v3.0.0 – 11 Feb 22 | Release summary (V2.7 to V3.0)
+ The engine of the plugin is recreated;
+ The marketplace is added to the plugin (Boostore);
+ Added a new module - Workflow;
+ Added a new module - Taxes;
+ Added a new feature - Custom Statuses for Appointments;
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Amazon SNS);
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Telegram);
+ Added new shortcodes to the plugin;
+ Added new input types to the Custom Forms module (Email and Phone number);
+ Added a new modal - Customer info;
+ Added the Coupons tab to the Appointment Info;
+ Added an ability to set the booking status automatically after the action is made;
+ Added an ability to show Google Calendar events on Booknetic Calendar;
+ Added an ability to select Custom field in the New Appointment modal;
+ Added an ability to select/delete/edit coupons in the New Appointment and Edit Appointment modal;
+ Added an ability to add Notes for Appointments;
+ Added an ability to export payments in the Payments module;
+ Made some changes to the existing shortcodes;
+ A lot of bugs have been fixed and made many optimizations.