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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help.

I have some difficulties related to the plugin. What should I do?

Feel free to contact our support team, if you need any assistance related to Booknetic. Our support team answers within a working day. If you are lucky, you will even get an answer within a few hours.

Please check the following before you create a ticket:

- Make sure you are running the latest version of the plugin and the latest version of WordPress;

- Check our Documentation for the answer to your question;

- Disable any additional 3rd party plugins you may be using to see if it fixes the issue. Mainly, issues happen because some other plugins do not release updates, and it arises plugin conflicts on the website.

What Does Support Include?

Our support includes help to use the plugin correctly, configuration, and any bug fixes that may arise. Unfortunately, we cannot provide support for customization or 3rd party plugins. If you need help with the customization of your plugin, then you should look for a developer.

How can I move the plugin to my new domain?

Please note that when you activate the plugin in a new domain, your data may be lost. That's why you need to backup your Booknetic data first. To move the plugin to a new domain:

  • Go to Settings to Export Booknetic data;
  • Go to WordPress > Plugins menu;
  • Deactivate the Booknetic plugin on the current website;
  • Delete the plugin;
  • Reinstall the plugin on your new website;
  • Then Import the Booknetic data back.

Can I translate the plugin?

You can translate the booking form using the built-in feature, visual translator. You can also translate the plugin back-end using any free translator plugins.

How can customers register?

For creating usernames and passwords for your customers, you will need to get SMS or Email Notifications.

When you enable the Access to Customer Panel notification action, this action will send Username and Password to your Customers. There are two shortcodes. {customer_panel_url}, {customer_panel_password}

The first one is for the URL of your Customer Panel. The second one is the randomly generated password for their username.

Once they log in to their account with the password that is automatically generated by the system, they can change their password. Also, their email will be their username. So, please keep the email tab as a required field at the Booking panel. Your customer can log into the system using the WordPress login page.

I have a suggestion related to the plugin.

You can add your suggestions to our suggestion system. We first add the most elected suggestions to the plugin. If you add your email, you will receive a notification when the suggestion is added.


Booknetic SaaS.

Is the license for a limited time or a lifetime?

The license is for a lifetime, and we provide lifetime updates with 6-month free support from our support team for technical issues. You will be able to get updates and use the plugin forever.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to create a ticket on the support system. Our support team will help you as soon as possible.

Does Booknetic support WordPress multisite?

The plugin does not support WordPress multisite; however, you can use the SaaS version for the same purpose.

For using the plugin as a multisite, you need to use the Extended version. You install the Saas version on one website. After that, when people register on your website, people have a subdirectory on your website. They can also add a booking panel to their own website with an iframe code.

How can I extend my support period?

Please go to CodeCanyon/downloads page to extend your support for the Booknetic plugin

How many websites can I install the plugin on using a license?

A license can be installed on a website. You need to buy a license for each domain you want. It is an Envato policy, and we cannot change it. Envato provides licenses.

wordpress appointment booking pluginBooknetic License Type

How to get a discount?

We do not have the opportunity to give a discount to our customers individually. However, Envato provides discount campaigns for special occasions from time to time, and you can buy the plugin with a discount when there is a discount campaign.

What is the difference between Booknetic and Booknetic SaaS?

If you want to use the plugin for commercial purposes like creating a platform and earning money using the plugin, you need to buy the SaaS version by purchasing the extended license of the plugin. If you need to use the plugin for only a single client or yourself, you need to buy the regular license.

Demo SaaS Admin

Demo SaaS Tenant

Demo Booknetic

You can also check the Video tutorial.

Click the drop-down button to select the extended license. When you activate the plugin with the extended license, the SaaS version will be available for you.

Booknetic Extended License

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Booknetic is a simple yet powerful plugin for accepting online bookings & payments on your WordPress site.