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Setting up the Booknetic SaaS

Enterprise level Wordpress Appointment Booking system with SaaS support


Welcome! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the installation, configuration, and key features of the Booknetic SaaS version.


Installing and setting up the Booknetic plugin is straightforward. Simply select the plugin file you need and upload it to your website. WordPress will handle the rest of the installation process automatically.

saas booknetic installation

Once the plugin installation is complete, click the Activate button.

You will now see Booknetic in the menu. Click on it to access the activation page.

On this page, you’ll be prompted to enter your purchase code. Copy your purchase code/license key and paste it into the designated field.

Next, select how you heard about the plugin, enter your email address, and click the INSTALL button.

saas booknetic install

The system will take a few moments to load. Once the process is complete, the system will be fully operational.

You will be automatically redirected to the Super-Admin Panel of the SaaS version.

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The Super-Admin Panel, like the Booknetic dashboard, is a dedicated interface that is separated from the WordPress menu. This ensures that other WordPress menus do not interfere with your ability to efficiently manage your business through the panel.

Necessary Configurations

To get the plugin working properly, you need to create 4 essential WordPress pages that tenants will use to register and interact with your system:

  1. Booking Page – This page serves as the central hub for all booking panels for your tenants. It cannot be accessed directly and is only accessible via the tenant’s booking panel.

  2. Sign-in (Tenants) – This page provides access to the admin dashboard, bypassing the default WordPress login page.

  3. Sign-up (Tenants) – Tenants will use this page to register on your platform.

  4. Forgot Password (Tenants)– This page allows tenants to reset their passwords if they forget them.

Additionally, you should create the following pages for customers:

  1. Customer Sign-in (Customers) – This page enables customers to log in and access their accounts without using the default WordPress login page.

  2. Customer Sign-up (Customers) – Customers will register on your platform through this page.

  3. Forgot Password (Customers) – Customers can use this page to reset their passwords if needed.

When creating each page, you can easily add and save the appropriate shortcodes using the pre-configured Booknetic blocks in your editor. Below are the shortcodes to be used for each page:

  • Booking Page: [booknetic]
  • Sign-in (Tenants): [booknetic-saas-signin]
  • Sign-up (Tenants): [booknetic-saas-signup]
  • Forgot Password (Tenants): [booknetic-saas-forgot-password]
  • Sign-in (Customer): [booknetic-signin]
  • Sign-up (Customer): [booknetic-signup]
  • Forgot Password (Customer): [booknetic-forgot-password]

Simply insert the appropriate shortcode into each page, and the system will be set up and ready to use.

saas booknetic install

After creating the necessary pages, navigate to the Booknetic SaaS Panel > Settings. Go to White Label settings > Pages, select and save the Sign-in, Sign-up, Booking, and Forgot Password pages, respectively.

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Once these settings are saved, the basic configuration is complete, and you can preview how the pages will appear on your site.

saas booknetic install

Exploring the Booknetic SaaS Super-Admin Panel

Upon accessing the Super-Admin Panel, the first module you’ll see is the Dashboard. This module provides a quick overview of key system statistics, including:

  • Total number of registered tenants
  • Total number of booked appointments
  • Monthly income
  • Previous month’s income

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Tenants Module

The Tenants module allows you to view and manage all registered tenants. You can:

  • Use advanced filters to search for specific tenants easily
  • Edit tenant details
  • Delete tenants
  • Add new tenants

Adding a New Tenant is a simple process. Enter the basic information, select the plan to assign, and save the details.

saas booknetic install tenants

saas booknetic install

Payments Module

In the Payments module, you can monitor all payments made by tenants. Use advanced filters to find specific payments quickly and efficiently.

saas booknetic install billing

Plans Module

The Plans module allows you to create and manage subscription plans for tenants with extensive configuration options.

  1. Creating a Plan
    Click the Add Plan button to get started. The process consists of three stages:

    Stage 1: Plan Details

    • Set a name for the plan
    • Choose a color for identification
    • Define monthly and annual prices
    • Add discounts for the first month or first year
    • Hide the plan from tenants if needed

    Stage 2: Modules, Features, and Add-ons

    • Select which modules, features, and add-ons tenants can access with this plan.
    • All core Booknetic modules and features are available here for activation.

    Stage 3: Limits

    • Define usage limits, such as:
      • Number of Locations, Staff, and Services tenants can add
      • Monthly limits for SMS, Emails, WhatsApp, Telegram messages, and Webhook triggers

Custom Forms

The Custom Forms module is a built-in feature of Booknetic SaaS that allows you to collect additional information from tenants during the registration process. Unlike the Custom Forms add-on, this functionality is a core feature of the SaaS version and does not require any additional purchase or activation.

Workflow Module

The Workflow module allows you to automate processes, including sending notifications for various events.

Currently, there are 7 types of events available for automation:

  1. New Tenant Signed Up: Triggered when a tenant confirms their email address during the first stage of registration.

  2. Tenant Sign-up Completed: Triggered when a tenant’s registration is fully completed.

  3. Tenant Subscribed to a Plan: Triggered when a tenant subscribes to any plan.

  4. Tenant Unsubscribed from a Plan: Triggered when a tenant unsubscribes from a plan.

  5. Tenant Payment Received: Triggered when a tenant makes a monthly or annual payment.

  6. Tenant Forgot Password: Triggered when a tenant initiates a password reset.

  7. Tenant Password Reset: Triggered when a tenant successfully resets their password.

You can fully customize notifications for these events using the available shortcodes to include dynamic details. Additionally, any unnecessary events can be disabled directly through the Workflow module, ensuring flexibility and control over your automation processes.

Affiliate Program Module

The Affiliate Program Module allows tenants to earn commissions by referring new users to the SaaS platform.

  • Affiliate Dashboard: Tenants can access their affiliate program details, including their unique referral links.
  • Track Referrals: The system tracks all referred sign-ups and calculates commissions based on successful subscriptions.
  • Commission Structure: You, as the SaaS admin, can define the commission percentage or fixed amount for each successful referral.
  • Payout Management: Tenants can monitor their earned commissions, view payment history, and request payouts directly from their admin panel.

Templates Module

The Templates Module simplifies workflows by allowing you to save and reuse frequently used configurations and settings.

  • Purpose: You can create templates for services, staff members, locations, custom notifications, workflows, and other settings.
  • Reusable: Once saved, these templates can be applied to the tenants by default or tenants can select among the multiple ready-made templates without the need to reconfigure each time.
  • Efficiency: Helps tenants streamline their processes, saving time and ensuring consistency across their operations.

Settings Module

The Settings module contains various menus for configuring the system. These include:

  • General Settings
  • White Label Settings
  • Customer Panel
  • Payment Settings
  • Integrations Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Mailchimp Settings
  • WooCommerce Settings

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General Settings

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In the General Settings, you can fine-tune your platform’s configurations, including:

  • Page Selection: Set the Sign-in, Sign-up, Booking, and Forgot Password pages.
  • Appointment Start Number: Adjust the starting number for appointment IDs.
  • Google Maps API: Enable Google Maps integration for location-based services.
  • Google ReCAPTCHA: Activate ReCAPTCHA on the booking page to prevent spam bookings.
  • Trial Plan: Assign a default trial plan for new tenants. You can configure the trial period (default is 30 days). When tenants fail to resubscribe, they will automatically be downgraded to the “Expiring Plan” you set.
  • Language Switcher: Enable the language switcher for tenant dashboards. You can define which languages are available, and tenants can edit language files using the Visual Translator module.

Additionally, activating the “Create a new WordPress user on new booking” option will automatically create a user account for customers when appointments are booked.

White Label settings

The White Label feature allows you to fully rebrand the plugin and maximize SaaS opportunities. This feature is exclusive to the Booknetic SaaS version.

With White Label settings, you can:

  • Replace the plugin name and logo in the admin panel with your own branding.
  • Change the default URL ?page=booknetic to ?page=yourbrandname.
  • Update the documentation link in tenant dashboards to point to your custom link.
  • Add a “Powered by [Your Brand]” badge to tenant booking panels. This badge visibility can depend on the tenant’s plan permissions.

Customer Panel

A fully responsive Front-end Customer Panel is available for the SaaS version for end customers to manage their appointments seamlessly.

Key highlights:

  • The panel belongs to the entire SaaS platform. A single customer can manage appointments made with multiple tenants.
  • Customers can book package appointments here.
  • Customers can make change to their customer profile.
  • In line with GDPR requirements, you can allow customers to delete their profiles.

Payment settings

The Payment Settings menu consists of two sections:

  1. General Payment Settings

    • Configure the default currency and pricing format for tenants. Tenants can later customize these settings in their own panels.

saas booknetic payment

  1. Payment Methods

    • Set up the available payment methods for tenants to subscribe to plans.
    • Supported Payment Methods:
      • Stripe
      • PayPal
      • WooCommerce

saas booknetic payment

Stripe and PayPal: Payments are automatically processed monthly or annually.
WooCommerce: Enables selling plans using WooCommerce payment gateways. Tenants can deposit funds into their balance and purchase plans on a monthly or annual basis. Notifications are sent to remind tenants to top up their balance before the renewal date. If sufficient funds are available, plan fees are automatically deducted.

Integration settings

In this section, you configure platform-wide integrations for all tenants. These integrations are applied globally, and tenants can use them based on their plan permissions.

Zoom Integration has two options:

  1. OAuth Method: You configure the integration globally for all tenants.
  2. JWT Method: Tenants can configure their own Zoom integration individually. This is a quick 2-minute setup process.

Email settings

booknetic paypal

In the Email Settings, you configure the email gateway for sending notifications. Two methods are available:

  • SMTP: Highly recommended for reliability. Configure your SMTP details to ensure seamless email delivery.
  • WordPress Mail: Uses the server’s mail service. While convenient, it can cause issues on shared hosting environments.

To avoid potential server-related problems, we recommend using the SMTP method.

Mailchimp settings

Booknetic SaaS integrates with Mailchimp, a leading marketing platform. Instead of relying on traditional email methods, you can send transactional email notifications to both tenants and their end customers through Mailchimp.

WooCommerce settings

saas booknetic install payment

With WooCommerce Integration, tenants can use WooCommerce as their payment gateway for customer bookings.

  • As the SaaS admin, you configure WooCommerce payment gateways globally.
  • Tenants can navigate to Payment Methods in their admin panel and see the "Others" option, which represents WooCommerce.
  • Tenants can individually configure their account details for each WooCommerce gateway.

This allows every tenant to use WooCommerce payment methods independently, ensuring flexibility and control.

Affiliate Settings

The Affiliate Settings section allows you to configure the affiliate program parameters for your tenants. Here are the available options:

  • Commission Fee (%) for Monthly Subscriptions: Set the percentage of commission earned for monthly subscription referrals

  • Commission Fee (%) for Annual Subscriptions: Set the percentage of commission earned for annual subscription referrals

  • Referrer Earning Per New User Registration ($): Define a fixed reward for referring new user registrations

  • Redirect URL: Set the URL to which users will be redirected after clicking a referral link

  • Affiliate Terms & Conditions URL: Provide a link to your affiliate terms and conditions

  • Confirmation Days for Referrer Earnings: Specify the number of days after which referral commissions will be confirmed

  • Save Referral ID on Cookie (days): Define how long the referral ID will be stored in cookies for tracking purposes.

Tenant Admin Panel

Tenants can easily manage their booking system through the Tenant Admin Panel. Here are some key features and options available to tenants:

  1. Booking Panel Sharing
    Tenants can share their booking panel with customers in various ways:

    • By clicking the “Share your page” button.
    • Sending the booking panel URL via email.
    • Downloading the QR code for their booking panel.
    • Copying the provided HTML code to embed the booking panel directly onto their website.

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  2. Billing Page
    On the Billing page, tenants can:

    • Review their payment history.
    • Check current plan limits by clicking the “Current Plan” button.
    • Upgrade their subscription plans (monthly or annually).

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  3. Upgrading Plans

    • When tenants click the “Upgrade Plan” button, they will see the list of plans you’ve created.
    • After selecting a plan, tenants will be redirected to the payment page to choose one of the available payment methods (configured by you).
    • Upon successful payment, tenants are automatically redirected back to the Billing page, where they can:
      • View subscription details, including the next payment date.
      • Opt-out of automatic payments by clicking “Unsubscribe”.

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  4. WooCommerce Balance Deposits

    • Tenants can deposit funds into their balance using the WooCommerce payment method.
    • These funds can be used to purchase subscription plans.
    • To pay with the deposited balance, tenants simply click Upgrade, select Balance as the payment method, and the payment will be deducted from their available balance.

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Plan Permissions and Modules

Tenants will have access to the system’s features based on the modules and limits defined in their chosen plan. Key points include:

  • Each tenant operates as an independent Booknetic Regular user within the SaaS system.

  • Tenants get access to their own:

    • Booking Panel
    • Admin Panel
    • Staff
    • Services
    • Payment Methods
    • Settings
  • All existing Booknetic modules are available and can be enabled or restricted based on the tenant's subscription plan.

Unlimited Tenants

You can onboard an unlimited number of tenants, and each tenant will be able to individually utilize the full range of Booknetic features according to their plan permissions.