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Connecting Zoom for Tenants

Booknetic SaaS is a WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin with Zoom Integration allows you to connect your customers via Zoom Meetings.


Tenants need to follow the short instructions below to fully integrate their online booking with Zoom.

- Go to Settings > Integration with Zoom;

Connecting Zoom for Tenants

- Click the "CLICK TO CONNECT WITH ZOOM" button;

Connecting Zoom for Tenants

- Allow the necessary permissions to authorize your Zoom account;

Connecting Zoom for Tenants

- When it is authorized, it will automatically return to the previous page, where you will see a notification that your Zoom account has already been connected;

Tenants can disable integration with Zoom or connect to another Zoom account by clicking the Disconnect button at any time;

Connecting Zoom for Tenants

- In the next step, you need to activate Zoom for the service by editing the services;

Connecting Zoom for Tenants

- Then connect the Zoom account with the required Staff. To do this, go to the Staff module and select the Staff you want to connect to Zoom, and edit it. In the Zoom user section, select and save the required Zoom account;

Connecting Zoom for Tenants

That's it. Tenants have already connected to Zoom. A meeting will be automatically created on Zoom on the appropriate date and time when online bookings are made. And your Tenants can send the URL of this meeting to their clients using Email, SMS, and Whatsapp notifications.

Uninstalling the Booknetic Add-on

  • Login to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
  • Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the Booknetic app.
  • Click the Booknetic app.
  • Click Uninstall.